Saturday, June 30, 2007

How Much To Per Hour At Strike Dolphi M

Beyond the Arctic Circle

Nachdem ich während meiner Woche in Luleå bereits eine Vorahnung von der Mitternachtssonne bekommen hatte, konnte ich dieses unglaubliche Naturschauspiel in Abisko, einem der nördlichsten Orte Schwedens, endlich in seiner Vollendung bewundern.

Zu Abisko, einem Dorf mit rund 200 Einwohnern, gehört ein riesiger Nationalpark with numerous hiking trails. As a true "Voradelberger" I had to use them immediately and so I started on the first day (about 1,200 meters high) is equal to the path to the summit of Njulla. Granted, on the way up I had a little Schüztenhilfe, for a chair lift goes up to around 900 meters. From there I had a wonderful view of the surroundings.

had after an hour walk, I finally reached the summit.

took the day after, I will undergo an all-day hiking trip that was organized by my hostel. The road led uns durch eine wilde Landschaft von Felsbrocken, die von einem Gletscher der letzten Eiszeit zurückgelassen wurden.

Nach knapp drei Stunden hatten wir das Ziel unseres Ausfluges, den See Kärkevagge erreicht. Dieser See, erklärte unsere Führerin Anna, sei der klarste in ganz Schweden. Leider konnten wir uns davon nicht selber ein Bild machen, den der See war grösstenteils mit Eis bedeckt. Dennoch war es ein wunderschöner Anblick.

Danach machten wir uns auf den Rückweg und am Ende hatten wir sogar noch strahlenden Sonnenschein.

After my visit to Abisko I set off again towards the south, but in Kiruna I made a short stopover. The town is best known worldwide for the LKAB iron ore mine, one of the largest and most modern mine. During a tour in more than 500 (!) Meters depth, we got everything you need to know about presenting the mine.

Otherwise, there was in Kiruna see not really much more than the church, which has the shape of a traditional Sami tent is modeled.

Finally, I briefly visited the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi. The Building, which simply consists of ice was, unfortunately melted already, but in a huge refrigerator was a special exhibit of ice sculptures in honor of Carl von Linne to see.

After I had seen the north of Sweden and experiences, my journey continued on to Norway. I certainly had had the opportunity to directly from Kiruna to Narvik in northern Norway travel further, but I first wanted to experience the south of the country, I made the long (27 hours) back to Stockholm to Oslo.

See you there,



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