Saturday, June 30, 2007

How Much To Per Hour At Strike Dolphi M

Beyond the Arctic Circle

Nachdem ich während meiner Woche in Luleå bereits eine Vorahnung von der Mitternachtssonne bekommen hatte, konnte ich dieses unglaubliche Naturschauspiel in Abisko, einem der nördlichsten Orte Schwedens, endlich in seiner Vollendung bewundern.

Zu Abisko, einem Dorf mit rund 200 Einwohnern, gehört ein riesiger Nationalpark with numerous hiking trails. As a true "Voradelberger" I had to use them immediately and so I started on the first day (about 1,200 meters high) is equal to the path to the summit of Njulla. Granted, on the way up I had a little Schüztenhilfe, for a chair lift goes up to around 900 meters. From there I had a wonderful view of the surroundings.

had after an hour walk, I finally reached the summit.

took the day after, I will undergo an all-day hiking trip that was organized by my hostel. The road led uns durch eine wilde Landschaft von Felsbrocken, die von einem Gletscher der letzten Eiszeit zurückgelassen wurden.

Nach knapp drei Stunden hatten wir das Ziel unseres Ausfluges, den See Kärkevagge erreicht. Dieser See, erklärte unsere Führerin Anna, sei der klarste in ganz Schweden. Leider konnten wir uns davon nicht selber ein Bild machen, den der See war grösstenteils mit Eis bedeckt. Dennoch war es ein wunderschöner Anblick.

Danach machten wir uns auf den Rückweg und am Ende hatten wir sogar noch strahlenden Sonnenschein.

After my visit to Abisko I set off again towards the south, but in Kiruna I made a short stopover. The town is best known worldwide for the LKAB iron ore mine, one of the largest and most modern mine. During a tour in more than 500 (!) Meters depth, we got everything you need to know about presenting the mine.

Otherwise, there was in Kiruna see not really much more than the church, which has the shape of a traditional Sami tent is modeled.

Finally, I briefly visited the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi. The Building, which simply consists of ice was, unfortunately melted already, but in a huge refrigerator was a special exhibit of ice sculptures in honor of Carl von Linne to see.

After I had seen the north of Sweden and experiences, my journey continued on to Norway. I certainly had had the opportunity to directly from Kiruna to Narvik in northern Norway travel further, but I first wanted to experience the south of the country, I made the long (27 hours) back to Stockholm to Oslo.

See you there,


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bought A Used Car In 2010 Do I Get A Refund

midsummer festival on the island

The Midsummer festival in Sweden this year fell to 22 June. On this longest day of the year celebrations are held throughout the country, some very traditional, some rather unconventional. Thanks to my CS host Håkan Linnea and I was able to know both versions.

On Friday morning we drove into the open air museum Hägnan (which I had visited a few days ago) because there is a classic Midsummer Night's Festival has been prepared. So I got a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe customs and practices that are celebrated on this day. In addition to countless costumes, special culinary treats and lots of Swedish flags, I was particularly struck by the midsummer pole was on, which is decorated by the children. This is a great cross, which is decorated with leaves and flowers.

Unfortunately we had to leave Hägnan even before the start of the festival proper, since we already had our next deadline, a boat trip out to one of the many small islands Luleå. Håkan's friend Emily had invited us and fortunately I was allowed on board.

The island was a wonderful piece of land with everything you could wish for. So there was a small beach for swimming (very cold!), Some trees unter denen wir unsere Zelte aufschlagen konnten und zahlreiche Felsen zum Herumklettern. Vor allem für eine Landratte wie mich war es wirklich ein Paradies.

Nachdem wir es uns auf der Insel gemütlich gemacht hatten, begannen wir bereits am Nachmittag mit dem Festessen. Auf Sandwiches und kleinere Snacks folgte später ein richtiges Grillfest mit anschliessendem Dessert. Natürlich hatten die Schweden zahlreiche Spezialitäten mitgebracht und so konnte ich genüsslich Hering in allen Variationen, Blaubeerkuchen und andere Delikatessen probieren.

Wir zimmerten uns sogar einen eigenen Mittsommernachtsmasten, der am Ende des Abends jedoch als Volleyballnetz herhalten musste.

Am folgenden Morgen genossen wir noch ein bisschen die warmen Sonnenstrahlen, bevor wir uns schliesslich auf den Rückweg machten.

Dieser Tag war bislang zweifellos der Höhepunkt meiner bisherigen Reise. Ich hatte jede Menge Spass mit meinen neuen Freunden und bin ihnen unendlich dankbar dafür, dass sie mich zu diesem Ausflug eingeladen haben, auch wenn sie dadurch oft gezwungen waren Englisch zu sprechen.

Meine Zeit in Luleå ist somit zu Ende und nun mache ich mich auf den Weg in Richtung Kiruna, wodurch ich (endlich) den Polarkreis will be exceeded. I'm curious how this is so, when the sun goes down and nothing more ...

Until next time,


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Simple Church Welcome Poems

of Uppsala in the far north

After nearly a week in Sweden's capital Stockholm, I decided in the stronghold of Uppsala students to drive. Unfortunately, most of my ex-colleagues, however, had already left the city since the summer semester up here by mid-June is over. Nevertheless, Uppsala was well worth the trip, as you can see on the pictures below.

In the main auditorium of the University came ich mir zuerst vor wie im falschen Film, denn es glich eher einem Opernsaal denn einem Ort für Vorlesungen. Eines ist jedenfalls sicher, in Wien wäre ich für einen derart luxuriösen Hörsaal gestorben.

Nachdem ich mich an meinem letzten Abend in Uppsala mit meiner CouchSurfing-Bekanntschaft Sarah (siehe Foto im vorigen Post!) getroffen hatte, machte ich mich am nächsten Tag auf die (Nacht-)Reise in Richtung Nordschweden. Nach knapp 14 Stunden im Zug, kam ich am Samstag gegen Mittag etwas erschöpft in Luleå an. Am Bahnhof wurde ich dann von Håkan abgeholt, den ich ebenfalls über CS kennengelernt hatte. Wir verstanden uns gleich von Anfang an und so erklärte he is willing to einzuquartieren me for a few days at home. Once there, I met his girlfriend Linnea, with whom he also lives together.

made on Sunday we will together with Håkan friend Jacob a trip to the waterfalls of Storforsen. After the many (major) cities I had seen in the last three weeks, it did incredibly well to be back in the wild. Also, I was so happy that you showed me this place, because I had never sat alone found there.

Here is a group picture of our trip (from left: Jacob, my humble self bearded, Linnea and Håkan):

The immensity of the falls can be difficult to capture with a camera, but the following image should give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe water masses that swell in Storforsen downhill.

Yesterday I went to Luleå to me a little look about the city. The place is not great, but has lots of charm and will provide the rest, I need urgent after all the sightseeing in recent weeks.

As you can see, has been conducted everything perfect on my first try CouchSurfing. Håkan and Linnea sind unglaublich nett, zeigen mir viele Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Gegend und führen mich zudem noch in die kulinarische Welt Norrbottens (der nördliche Teil Schwedens) ein. Reiseherz, was willst du mehr?

Hej då aus Luleå,


Friday, June 15, 2007

Dental Hygienist Have Tattoos?

CouchSurfing Friends Stockholm Göteborg

Nachdem sich einige User in diesem Blog über das Ausbleiben von Fotos mit menschlichen Wesen beschwert haben, kriegt ihr nun die volle Dröhnung.

Wir manche vielleicht schon wissen, habe ich mich vor ungefähr zwei Monaten einer Internet-Gemeinschaft namens "CouchSurfing" angeschlossen. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Gruppe von Menschen, die Reisenden wie mir Gratisübernachtungen auf offer their couch. However, a cheap accommodation is not the main aim of CS, but it's more about the meeting of people of all cultures.

In Stockholm, I was finally included in this community by me Sannah (a Swede with an Austrian mother) contacted me and suggested a meeting in their city. At this meeting, yet another CS friend came to, namely Max from Munich. At our third meeting was this photo, is also seen on the Deniss from Tallinn:

I also participated in Stockholm and a CS-picnic, have appeared on the nearly 30 people. There was much talk, laughter and new friendships closed.

The next day, I've then looked at the Vasa Museum and accidentally hit Emil from Anchorage, Alaska, I had only met the day before at said picnic. Together with Giovanni from Montreal was this snapshot:

In Uppsala, I finally met Sarah, with whom I had a pizza and a coffee.

How you look, I deny my long journey alone, but almost every day meet new friends. Hopefully this trend continues for a long time to ...

Love from the north,


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sprite Sheets Naruto Shippuden


Nachdem ich bereits vor einigen Jahren einen kurzen Abstecher (einen Tag!) nach Stockholm gemacht habe, hatte ich dieses Mal endlich mehr Zeit, um mir diese wunderschöne Metropole etwas genauer anzusehen.

Die Euphorie bei meiner Ankunft war dementsprechend gross, auch wenn ich das viele Sightseeing der letzten Tage und Wochen (Kopenhagen, Malmö und Göteborg) schon ein wenig satt hatte. In Stockholm war allerdings soviel los, dass ich eh nicht grossartig zum Nachdenken kam. Diese Stadt hat wirklich alles zu bieten, was das Herz begehrt: eine herrliche Altstadt (Gamla Stan), traumhafte Gebäude (Stadshuset) and lovely parks and promenades along the water.

addition, you can stroll in the city center for hours of shopping malls and the many museums in Stockholm (in particular, the Vasa Museum!) Are a must for any visitor.

me most was also very fascinated by the city just because I only knew her from the winter. Back then it was just cold and deserted the streets like. But now that the sun each day with the sky is, it's almost as if the entire city would be reinvented.

Love from the "Hauptstadt Skandinaviens",


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Side Effect Of Using Magic Shaving Cream


An meinem vorletzten Tag in Göteborg gönnte ich mir einen Tag als klassischer Tourist, indem ich mir ein spezielles Ticket kaufte, welches mir den kostenlosen Zugang zu sämtlichen Sehenswürdigkeiten bzw. Aktivitäten ermöglichte.

Nachdem ich das Schiffsmuseum besuchte hatte, machte ich gleich im Anschluss eine Bootsrundfahrt durch die Kanäle und den Hafen Göteborgs.

Auch eine Fahrt mit dem Sightseeing-Bus liess ich mir nicht entgehen, obwohl ich dabei nicht mehr allzu viel neues entdeckte. Ausklingen liess ich den Abend dann in Liseberg, the amusement park in Göteborg.

On Wednesday 6 June was then randomly national holiday in Sweden. Therefore - and because of the beautiful weather - it went to the park Slottkogen quite turbulent. However, I found there a little respite from "hard" sightseeing the day before.

the evening I spent with my baseball buddy Christoffer. After we had together watched the football match Sweden-Iceland (final score 5-0), we ate a little something on the Kungsportsavenyn, the shopping mile of Gothenburg.

After I had met the south and the west of Sweden, I am drawn now to the East Coast (Stockholm and Uppsala), before the then in the "far north" is.

Greetings to the fans,


Monday, June 4, 2007

To Build A Home Cinematic Orchestra Music Sheet

About Karlskrona Gothenburg Sweden

After my stay in Malmö I first wanted to still see the southeastern part of Sweden, before we went north to Göteborg. Therefore I decided to put in a day or two in the small town of Karlskrona.

Unfortunately the weather was on the first day (again) is not very great, and for the second day, I then found a place to sleep. Than me then a friend from Gothenburg to a baseball game on Sunday invited, it was clear to me that I had to travel to Gothenburg on Saturday.

How Göteborg Malmö has also captured my heart by storm. It is a very young and vibrant city that is also built on a very hilly terrain. While walking through some parks I'm almost seemed like areas in the state. No wonder that it has Joachim during his semester abroad here like it so much ...

Here is a picture of the university, although there are several buildings like this throughout the city:

Yesterday I was still on the baseball game of my Swedish friend. While it was a bit out of town and therefore not easy to find, but the trip has been worth it, despite a defeat for the home team.

Gothenburg Since I like so much, I will stay here three more days before moving her to the capital of Sweden, in Stockholm.

Best regards from the north,


Friday, June 1, 2007

Scripture For Birth Announcements

Finally, finally the sun!

My first stop was in Malmo Sweden, which is conveniently located across from Copenhagen. The 8 km long Oresund bridge linking the two cities / countries, and a ride on this building is really an experience.

Malmö presented itself right from its best side, because the weather there was cloud free. In the hostel I get to know Franck in Geneva, which has arrived in town. Together, we make ourselves in the evening on the way to go and eat in a very exclusive fish restaurant. I think at the high prices a little concern, but Franck (who works for UBS) only does it about as expensive as here in Geneva and that he would not participate at my expense. The food is excellent and in the end I must pay a cent for it, as Franck insists I take on my trip financially to a little under his hands.

At this point I would like with my generous donors (picture) thanks:

On the second day, the weather has again deteriorated a bit, so I do not do too much sightseeing and more of a little relax in the hotel.

Together with my room Ignacio (Nacho) from Chile I'm in the evening then spaghetti. Nacho is also great to travel around Europe has, but unlike me have about three months old. Later Hour, we then learn more about Irina from Mexico, which is also one of the select circle of the globetrotters.

The last day in Malmö is again like the first: just beautiful! In glorious weather, I march cross-country through the city to have as much of this beautiful spot with you. Most impressive is definitely the "Turning Torso", a tower, designed by English architect Santiago Calatrava.

In a park near my youth hostel will I let the day end it.

One is certainly already clear, namely that Sweden has already captured my heart. What is missing is a Swedish ...

Best regards and until next time,
