Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Grecian Dresses In Gold

pure hustle!

After I spend some time been able to recover from the stress of the past days, I am ready all over the world (or the part that is for my Travel interested) to report it.

Alo, the whole thing started with the fact that I forgot before I left, I called an early scan rail ticket (similar to the InterRail ticket, but wait for Scandinavia) need to. But since I was already in Copenhagen, stand ich vor zwei Möglichkeiten: entweder die Reise ohne das Ticket fortzusetzen oder zurück nach Deutschland zu fahren und mir dort den Wisch abzuholen.

Am Ende entschied ich mich für letzteres Szenario und so machte ich mich am Dienstag nach einem Mittagssnack auf den Weg in Richtung Nykobing in Süddaenemark. Mein Plan sah vor, dort zwei Nächte zu übernachten, dabei an einem Tag mit der Fähre nach Rostock zu fahren (inkl. ein wenig Sightseeing in der Hansestadt) und am zweiten Tag dann die Weiterreitse Richtung Schweden anzutreten.

So weit, so gut, doch natürlich kam wieder einmal alles anders. Zuerst schickte mich ein Taxler am Bahnhof von Nykobing in die falsche Richtung, wodurch in einen gewaltigen Detour to the hostel had to make, and then I stood there in front of closed doors, because the reception opened only by 16 clock. When I was finally able to check in, we were already the next shock: the cost of two nights were at full 80 € (instead of the Guide indicated 40)!

The justification of the man at the reception was that would be awarded in the previous season and the only single rooms were just as expensive. Dead tired and our nerves can not take any at this time I was almost, but then I picked up a new plan, that same day to Rostock travel further. Two German girls who were in the hostel gave me kindly the address of a good hostel in Rostock, and so I went after I got back my money for the overpriced rooms, again with a bag and pack on the way towards Busbahnof.

Once there I met Jan from Berlin, who also was experiencing an everlasting day of travel back home. But shared is a problem halved and we marketed our time with anecdotes from our lives. Together we took the ferry from Gedser to Rostock and the two hours went by in a crossing.

Here is a snapshot of Jan, by the way, playing in a band ( Sinners Bleed ):

In Rostock angekommen, holte uns auch schon das Pech wieder ein, da der letzte Shuttle-Bus zum S-Bahnhof bereits abgefahren war. Wie aus dem Nichts tauchte jedoch ein junges Studentenpärchen auf, welches uns beiden eine Mitfahrgelegenheit in ihrem Auto anbot. Natürlich nahmen wir dieses Geschenk des Himmels dankend an und so gelangten wir gegen halb zehn endlich zum Rostocker Hauptbahnhof. Während ich mich gleich auf den Weg zu meinem Hostel machte, begann für Jan der Wahnsinn von vorn, da kein Zug mehr nach Berlin fuhr. Hoffentlich hat er noch eine Lösung für das Problem gefunden...

Der nächste Tag verlief dann äusserst ruhig. Ich bekam das ScanRail-Ticket ohne Probleme und machte mich gleich wieder auf den Rückweg nach Dänemark. From Copenhagen I then took the train to Malmo and drove to the impressive Øresund Bridge:

Now I'm also (finally) in Sweden and hopefully spend a few quiet days as the last.

Until next time,


Monday, May 28, 2007

Cruising Gay Etiquette

mermaid and sea ...

Copenhagen is truly a beautiful city. Meanwhile, I've pretty much scoured every Sehenswuerigkeit (on foot) as you can see from the pictures below.

The Mermaid is a bit outside the center, but the way there is worth in any case, because you can reach her by nyhaven walk up the harbor.

On Saturday evening I was traveling with two Canadians, Nelson and Iris (his cousin, who currently lives here). The two dragged me forever but far from the northeastern part of Copenhagen, but it made a lot of fun with them. Zufaelligerweise And we are also passed on that Graveyard, where Hans Christian Andersen and Kierkegaard are buried.

Unfortunately the weather in recent days so completely played, as it has been raining almost always easy. But luckily I'm waterproof, and so could auch ein schlecht gelaunter Petrus mir meinen Spass nicht verderben.

In diesem Sinne, Petri heil!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Pneumonitis In Toddlers

arrival in Copenhagen

Die erste Station meiner Reise ist die daenische Hauptstadt Kopenhagen. Wirklich eine wunderschoene Stadt, mit sehr viel Charme. Da ich gestern noch ziemlich von den Reisestrapazen erschoepft war, habe ich bislang nur das Zentrum der Stadt besichtigt, aber das wird sich in den kommenden Tagen noch aendern. Das Wetter ist - typisch fuer den hohen Norden - mal heiter, mal regnerisch. Dennoch ist dies eine willkommene Abwechslung zu den heissen und schwuelen Tagen in Vorarlberg.

Hier nun einige Impressionen von Kopenhagen...

Mein Hostel (ca. 5 min. vom Tivoli entfernt):

I and Wiebke (a former colleague of Swarovski) at our meeting on the town square,

the world famous Tivoli:

So, now I have to visit but the rest of the city. Until next time and thank you for all the nice comments. Stay clean!

lg, Martin (xi)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Make New Bright Rc Car Faster

On your marks, get set, go!

After weeks and months, the (intensive) to prepare my long awaited trip is finally happening now. The first stop will be Denmark's capital Copenhagen.

So, let's go!

ADDED: I'm sorry that this first post is a little unusual short, but (as might be expected) I was standing today in the early afternoon, a little under time pressure.

Now I'm already in Munich and had another hour until my night train departs in the direction of Copenhagen. The journey takes about 15 (!) Hours, but fortunately I have a block reservation in the sleeper.

Starting tomorrow, I am then so in Copenhagen, where I'll think about it then a battle plan for the coming days and weeks. Until now, there are no fixed itinerary, but really it should not give, too. I will just let everything come to me and then spontaneously decide where I will lead this trip yet. How the lottery means: Everything is possible but nothing fix!

I thank all those who have already left comments in this blog, and look forward to future posts from the good old homeland.

In this sense, until next time!

Mfg., Martin