Thursday, July 26, 2007

Golfing With Atrial Fibrillation

From the Lofoten Islands via Nordkapp to Santa Claus in Finland

I'm sorry that I have such a long time I can hear, but - as nothing was to be expected - I had to go to the north of Norway some difficulties online. Now I am, however, already in Finland and here again it looks a lot better in terms of Internet access. So do now taken on a huge update of recent days and weeks:

went from Trondheim from it by Nachtug Bodø, where I translated the ferry to the Lofoten Islands. My destination was the small fishing village of Å (probably the shortest matches in the world!) At the western end of the island group.

For swimming, I was then but a little cold, but the conditions were perfect for walking. Thus, I was on my second day off on the way to the mountain Munkebu which lies above the village Sørvågen. On the march to the summit I had a great view of the surrounding bays and lakes below me: took

The next day I on a fishing trip in part to the open sea. On the cutter "Hellvåg" it went in a strait from the Lofoten Islands, where we casting a then our hand line:

Sorry, wanted in my teeth into anything, so I mean drop plans from the bearded island fishermen let the same fall again. After all the other participants as many fish were taken on land that at the end even for me a delicious fillet was left. Here you see the captain Morten dividing the catch:

went after three days in Å my trip then to Svolvaer, the largest municipality in Lofoten. From there I entered my Hurtigruten second trip aboard the MS Nord Norge ".

Shortly after we abgelgt of Svolvaer, bot is already the first highlight on the trip to the North Cape: close Troll Fjord. We also got to this occasion, a special "troll soup served that I let me taste the same three (allerdgins small) portions.

day we made a brief stop in Tromso, the northernmost university city in the world. In the four hours ashore, we had more than enough time to this pleasant town explore.

Since the events of the last days I had such geschlaucht, I allowed myself on board a small Erhold then, when I took the hot tub on deck 6 with fitting. For all the female fans (and especially for Mitch!), Here is a rare snapshot with me in the swimsuit:

After two days at sea, we finally arrived in Honningsvag, the northernmost city in Europe. It is located only 30 kilometers below the Nordkapps, but this is already the only really worth mentioning about this place. I, however, was warmly received by Christian from Germany, I had learned about the CouchSurfing website.

That same evening I took the bus to North Cape, but even before my arrival, I regretted that decision a little. The weather was in fact incredibly bad with rain, fog and cold. But fortunately, things changed shortly after my arrival and I could even enjoy the midnight sun:

had a good two months on the road, I at last ereicht the North Cape, which had to be naturally celebrated with a Jubelpose:

Zum Ausruhen blieb mir jedoch keine Zeit, da ich bereits am nächsten Morgen nach Finnland weiterreisen musste. Mein erster Stopp im "Land der tausend Seen" war Inari, wo ich es jedoch aufgrund der Heerscharen von Mücken nicht lange aushielt. Immerhin war die Landschaft sehr schön und meine kleine Holzhütte versprühte einigen rustikalen Charme:

Nach zwei Tagen in Inari ging es weiter nach Rovaniemi, wo (angeblich) der Weihnachtsmann wohnt und arbeitet. Auf der Bussffahrt lernte ich die beiden Belgier Frederik und Laurent (aus Brüssel) kennen. Gemeinsam mit Rainer (aus St. Gallen/Schhweiz), my roommate at the youth from Rovaniemi, we went billiard games in the evening:

was in Rovaniemi not do a whole lot, except of course a visit from Santa Claus Village, which lies exactly on the Arctic Circle . There we visited the master himself, but were allowed to take any pictures of him.

So, now you're halfway back up to date Enjoy the pictures!

It remains with best regards, Martin


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Describe A Sternocleidomastoid


Last weekend was the Ottensteiner IMSA, which is here still traditionally celebrated on the second weekend in July for four days. Here are some impressions

Friday, July 13, 2007

How Long Does Chemical Hair Straightening

Extended stay in Trondheim

Actually I did so only stay three days in Trondheim, but since I no cheap accommodation in Bodø - my next destination - could be found, I simply turn hanged two days. And I am more than satisfied with this decision, because Bodø seems anyway not to be particularly exciting, and so I had more than enough time to visit to Trondheim thoroughly.

The city has some beeindurckende buildings, in particular, stands out of the cathedral. In this way, the Norwegian coronation ceremonies are performed.

Above all, the facade on the front well worth seeing, as the following record shows:

Before the city harbor is the island Munkholmen to which I made on a beautiful day a short trip. While on the island was not so much going on as expected, but for some sunbathing was the perfect place.

One reason why I liked it quite well in Trondheim, was the youth hostel where I stayed a total of four times. The huge building is managed by very friendly university students, and otherwise serves as a clubhouse (for concerts, parties, etc.). Breakfast and Internet was included in the low price, and much more I need to not always be happy.

One of the many backpackers who I have met - including seven Austrian (!) -, Fergal was from Cork, Ireland. Like me, he is traveling solo in world history, making him sympathetic from the start.

Even today I am leaving Trondheim on the night train in the direction of Bodø, where I'll translate it tomorrow on the Lofoten Islands. Hopefully the weather is reasonably good, because as I've seen in pictures, it must comprise at ein traumhaftes Fleckchen Erde handeln.

Bleibt mir treu,


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Need Desi Cook Wichita Ks

Lord of the Fjord

Nach meinem (mehr oder weniger ereignisreichen) Aufenthalt in Oslo machte ich mich auf den Weg an die Westküste Norwegens, nach Bergen. Schon die Zugfahrt dorthin war aufregend, da die Bahn auf dieser Strecke wunderschöne Landschaften passiert. Und in Bergen angekommen, setzte sich meine gute Laune auch gleich fort, da die Stadt wirklich unglaublich schön ist. Rund um die Stadt herum reihen sich sieben Hügel bzw. Berge, die zusammen mit dem Hafen eine idyllische Kulisse bieten.

Another reason why I liked it so well in Bergen was certainly my accommodation and the people I've met there. The crew of the "Intermission" consisted of six friendly Americans who were called me from the moment they welcome and even provided extensively for my physical well-being. In addition to hamburgers and hot dogs and ice cream waffles I got seviert. What do you want (s) more?

Here's a group picture with Will, Cynthia, me, Emily, Heather, Lisa and Peter: is

Since mountains is a popular starting point for day trips to nearby fjords, I decided a trip to Norway's largest and deepest fjord, the Sognefjord to take. The roughly seven-hour round trip was the highlight of my trip so far, prove to be as the following pictures.

Although the trip was not cheap (100 €), I regret my decision yet by no means. Finally, not every day you come to Norway and the fjords are, you just experienced. The same goes for "Hurtigruten", that fleet of coastal steamers that sail daily from Bergen to the North Cape. Since there between the mountains and Trondheim is no direct train, I bought a ticket on the MS Kong Harald "and went on a two-day trip along the fjords to the north.

The ride on this boat was very exciting, especially because we took a side trip to the Geiranger Fjord. This deal is one of the most beautiful fjord in the country. Once again I was given the fanszinierende landscape of mountains, gorges and breathtaking waterfalls. The following impressions are to give a little insight into the world of fjords, although they are more impressive in real life a lot more natural.

Na, who desire to get to Norway?

Until next time,


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Driver Thinkcentre M52 8215-35s

North by Norway

Having spent more than a month in Sweden, I am now landed in Norway. The road here was anything but agreeable, but I had on my trip to Kiruna (via Stockholm) to Oslo to spend 27 (!) Hours on the train or in the waiting hall. In the end, I too was at the end, but at least I had the killer drive behind me.

Compared to the other cities I've ever experienced on my trip, Oslo, both in terms of size and the site, a little more modest. Zwat the city has a beautiful harbor, some interesting museums and a beautiful park (Vigeland Park), but otherwise there is not much to see. Perhaps Oslo made but also feel so good impression on me because the weather was pretty lousy on all days. include

The highlights of the city is without doubt the Fram Museum (on the same polar ship) and the Kon-Tiki Museum (on the expeditions Thor Heyrdahls), and the Vigeland Park in the east of the city. There the sculptor Gustav Vigeland has set up some 200 sculptures, which the park can be more or less to a kind of open-air museum.

Here are some impressions from this park, which for me was the absolute highlight in Oslo:

Once I made a day trip to Fredrikstad in the south of Oslo, but also this trip is not really worth it. The old town and its ramparts was quite impressive, but otherwise has Fredrikstad on me not too Sizes impression.

Momentan befinde ich mich gerade in Bergen, der wahrscheinlich schönsten Stadt in ganz Norwegen. Morgen werde ich eine Schifffahrt zum grössten Fjord des Landes unternehmen. Ihr dürft schon mal auf die Bilder gespannt sein...
