Thursday, January 29, 2009

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back home to the University ...

I have, but it is not quite over and stand with Friday and Saturday two more working days, a very interesting week so far behind me.
had on Tuesday I visited two dentists from England, that visit friends of mine. I have shown them the first part of our dental clinic. Both have worked in developing countries (India, Cambodia, Fiji) and were particularly of our sterilization process (or rather the fact that it works) and our daily patient turnover done. After that we went to the University Hospital and have made some probably typical Senegalese experience. First we have determined need to ask 8 people on campus until we have found the building, although we were already at the medical school and all the people we asked just "knew" where we must go there. Here it is considered rude and a sign of weakness to say that we do not know something, so they say something rather than that one does not know. That is, one asks most always two people when they say the same is probably true ... of our Senegalese ZA I had the name of the head of the hospital, Prof. Diallo (the lard from Dakar), so we have to by the demand, then the secretary directly to his office and he gave us (complete strangers who only know the name of a ZA and he had to tell her story), where a 45-minute tour of the clinic. We have an orthodontic (boring!) looked purely lecture and visited the classrooms. The equipment is generally quite old, but it works, unfortunately, they currently have no materials (amalgam, impression materials, gypsum, etc.). But this is Africa ... I unfortunately have not had my camera with hope, but that I get the photos of the two ZAs and yet to provide any, so that all of the TPK and Phantomkurssäale are grateful again.

Und dann hab ich heute für unsere Mitarbeiter eine Vorlesung über "L´examen orale" gehalten, um sie da ein bisserl fitter zu machen, Krebsfrüherkennung, Prävention, Patienteninstruktion etc. - AUF FRANZÖSISCH! War aber ganz ok, ging 45min mit Fragen. War wahrscheinlich die Vorlesung mit den meisten grammatikalischen Fehlern aller Zeiten :-)

Euch ein schönes WE, ich hab am Samstag meinen Composit-Tag, an dem ich den ganzen Tag nur Kunststofffüllung mache, dass gibt sicher ein paar interessante Bilder.

Schöne Grüße aus dem langsam wieder wärmer werdenden Dakar!


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