Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Garrett Popcorn Dubai Franchise

Couch Surfing in the heart of Finland

After my visit to Santa Claus in Rovaniemi, my journey continued to Oulu, which is located on the west coast of Finland.

I did not know much about the place, but luckily I had about the couch surfing community found a knowledgeable local host, namely the prospective music teacher Matti. Shortly after our arrival at his apartment, I told him about my desires bathing and before I knew it, we went (along with his brother) to a small lake called Valkeinen to us there to fall into the (not so) cold water.

Here you can see our group picture with Matti (left), me and his brother.

On the second day we took a bike then Oulu. Matti me bar shows many attractions, including the remnants of the former castle:

is one of the landmarks of the city the statue of a fat policeman, although apparently no one knows exactly why this figure the market place in Oulu decorated. Especially for tourists but it is extremely popular, and so I also left me with the scan obese lawman:

A very interesting experience was the visit a Finnish baseball game. At first I thought that this act to diemir known version of the sport, but I was quickly convinced of the contrary. Finnish and American baseball has indeed some similarities, but many rules differ extremely from each other. While Matti me, then explained the intricacies of the sport, I tried to follow the hard game. At the end of the way, won the team from Oulu, what all were delighted, but the team is in last place in the table.

In the evening we enjoyed the beautiful weather in the beach park. Together with the two Belgians, Frederik and Laurent, then we went to the way to a disco, where, however, were due to the excesses in the Suomi-pop bar no cameras allowed. ;-)

After three days in Oulu I went by train on the way to Kuopio. There was waiting my next CS-host, the computer engineer, Markku, at the station for me. As I once again right food and not just pasta and sandwiches had to take me, I invited him to dinner after my arrival at a Chinese restaurant.

As one can see on the pictures below, gave us both the food tasted very good:

then showed me a little tour of his city, which has worked really quite idyllic. In particular, the port offered to us a wonderful evening mood:

The next day, Markku and I took a trip to the Puijo hill, on which there is also a ski jump.

also located on this hill a lookout tower from which one has a magnificent view of Kuopio and the surrounding area.

Kuopio was definitely worth a visit, even if the weather during my stay This time was not as good. However, I had enough sunny moments to visit the city and to enjoy life.

Until next time and does nothing that I would not do.



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