First things first: Since last Sunday I was home again!
After three exciting months on the road, unfortunately I had to bury the dream of a big journey, because my money and energy reserves were near the bottom. Although I had the trip through Russia (keyword: "Trans-Siberian Railway") is very excited, but I just felt that it would not make sense right now. Some things in life simply can not force ...
from Vilnius in Lithuania, I made myself so back on the long journey to Austria. In Berlin I made it a little stopover at meiner Cousine Johanna, die dort zur Zeit gerade ein Praktikum absolviert.
Gemeinsam mit Johanna zog ich zwei Tage lang durch die deutsche Hauptstadt, wobei es für mich (trotz zweier früherer Berlin-Besuche) viel Neues zu sehen gab. Zum Beispiel machten wir eine Sightseeing-Fahrt auf der Spree. Dabei konnten wir beide die Stadt von einer ganz neuen Seite erleben.
Außerdem bekam ich endlich die Gelegenheit, den Reichstag bzw. die moderne Glaskuppel auf dem Dach zu besichtigen. Zwar mussten Johanna und ich eine ganze Weile lang für diese Attraction queue, but the wait has been worth it. Not only because the giant construction is incredibly simple but also because it has a great view from the top of Berlin. was
A special highlight it then on the last weekend, as that is in many government buildings an "Open Day" took place, which we of course could not be missed. And so we moved from the Federal Office for the Federal Press Office and even visited the ARD studio.
Here are some impressions of this eventful day:
On Sunday morning, I then took the ICE train to Ulm, where I in a regional express Switching to Lindau. From there went to a regional Vorarlberg, and at eight clock I was back in Altach. After I directed my return home ready for the stage and surprised my family strong, I had to tell the same lot.
Finally I would like to thank all the readers of this blog thanks for the interest in my reports. This time it worked with the world tour not quite, but maybe I've woken up in one or the other of you the desire to travel.
In this sense, goes out and traveled the world, for
"The most dangerous worldview is the worldview of those who have not looked at the world." (Alexander von Humboldt)
That's all Folks!
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