I'm sorry that I have such a long time I can hear, but - as nothing was to be expected - I had to go to the north of Norway some difficulties online. Now I am, however, already in Finland and here again it looks a lot better in terms of Internet access. So do now taken on a huge update of recent days and weeks:
went from Trondheim from it by Nachtug Bodø, where I translated the ferry to the Lofoten Islands. My destination was the small fishing village of Å (probably the shortest matches in the world!) At the western end of the island group.
For swimming, I was then but a little cold, but the conditions were perfect for walking. Thus, I was on my second day off on the way to the mountain Munkebu which lies above the village Sørvågen. On the march to the summit I had a great view of the surrounding bays and lakes below me: took
went from Trondheim from it by Nachtug Bodø, where I translated the ferry to the Lofoten Islands. My destination was the small fishing village of Å (probably the shortest matches in the world!) At the western end of the island group.
For swimming, I was then but a little cold, but the conditions were perfect for walking. Thus, I was on my second day off on the way to the mountain Munkebu which lies above the village Sørvågen. On the march to the summit I had a great view of the surrounding bays and lakes below me: took
The next day I on a fishing trip in part to the open sea. On the cutter "Hellvåg" it went in a strait from the Lofoten Islands, where we casting a then our hand line:
Sorry, wanted in my teeth into anything, so I mean drop plans from the bearded island fishermen let the same fall again. After all the other participants as many fish were taken on land that at the end even for me a delicious fillet was left. Here you see the captain Morten dividing the catch:
went after three days in Å my trip then to Svolvaer, the largest municipality in Lofoten. From there I entered my Hurtigruten second trip aboard the MS Nord Norge ".
Shortly after we abgelgt of Svolvaer, bot is already the first highlight on the trip to the North Cape: close Troll Fjord. We also got to this occasion, a special "troll soup served that I let me taste the same three (allerdgins small) portions.
day we made a brief stop in Tromso, the northernmost university city in the world. In the four hours ashore, we had more than enough time to this pleasant town explore.
Since the events of the last days I had such geschlaucht, I allowed myself on board a small Erhold then, when I took the hot tub on deck 6 with fitting. For all the female fans (and especially for Mitch!), Here is a rare snapshot with me in the swimsuit:
After two days at sea, we finally arrived in Honningsvag, the northernmost city in Europe. It is located only 30 kilometers below the Nordkapps, but this is already the only really worth mentioning about this place. I, however, was warmly received by Christian from Germany, I had learned about the CouchSurfing website.
That same evening I took the bus to North Cape, but even before my arrival, I regretted that decision a little. The weather was in fact incredibly bad with rain, fog and cold. But fortunately, things changed shortly after my arrival and I could even enjoy the midnight sun:
had a good two months on the road, I at last ereicht the North Cape, which had to be naturally celebrated with a Jubelpose:
Zum Ausruhen blieb mir jedoch keine Zeit, da ich bereits am nächsten Morgen nach Finnland weiterreisen musste. Mein erster Stopp im "Land der tausend Seen" war Inari, wo ich es jedoch aufgrund der Heerscharen von Mücken nicht lange aushielt. Immerhin war die Landschaft sehr schön und meine kleine Holzhütte versprühte einigen rustikalen Charme:
Nach zwei Tagen in Inari ging es weiter nach Rovaniemi, wo (angeblich) der Weihnachtsmann wohnt und arbeitet. Auf der Bussffahrt lernte ich die beiden Belgier Frederik und Laurent (aus Brüssel) kennen. Gemeinsam mit Rainer (aus St. Gallen/Schhweiz), my roommate at the youth from Rovaniemi, we went billiard games in the evening:
was in Rovaniemi not do a whole lot, except of course a visit from Santa Claus Village, which lies exactly on the Arctic Circle . There we visited the master himself, but were allowed to take any pictures of him.
So, now you're halfway back up to date Enjoy the pictures!
It remains with best regards, Martin
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