Saturday, August 25, 2007

How To Find Free Vintage Maps

The Baltic Combo

After I had explored in the past three months, Scandinavia thoroughly, I set out late last week on the way to the Baltic States. My first stop was the Estonian capital of Tallinn, only three hours by ferry from Helsinki is located. The historic Hanseatic city has one of the best preserved medieval old towns in Europe, as you can see on the pictures below.

Tallinn is really a beautiful city that is also culturally (and linguistically) to expect more of the Scandinavian, as the Baltic region. This confirmed me Deniss, couch-surfing one of my many friends that I kennengerlent in Stockholm and Tallinn have met again. Together we marched through the city and He showed me some very interesting sights outside of the center.

Deniss Here you see before a Russian monument which was erected in memory of a serious boat accident:

After my visit to Estonia, the journey continued to Latvia. The capital city Riga had earlier also to the Hanseatic Empire, which I was again able to enjoy a wonderful old town.

Although presented der Charme Rigas nicht ganz an jenen von Tallinn heran, doch zu sehen und erleben gab es auf jeden Fall mehr als genug. Besonders der Besuch im Okkupationsmuseum war ein Highlight, auch wenn die dortige Austellung über die sowjetische und deutsche Besatzungzeit ziemlich erschütternd war. Schon allein die Architektur des Gebäudes lässt auf die bittere Vergangenheit schliessen:

Abschliessend stand noch der Besuch der litauischen Hauptstadt Vilnius auf dem Programm. Obwohl ich im Vorfeld recht wenig über die Stadt in Erfahrung bringen konnte, wurde ich nach meiner Ankunft positiv überrascht. Litauen wirkte nämlich im Grossen und Ganzen nicht so modern (und westlich) wie seine two Baltic neighbors, but at least the center of Vilnius has to offer.

addition, the city has a very hilly location, so there are some beautiful views. On one of these hills there are three white crosses, which have become over time also become a symbol against the Soviet occupation.

All in all I liked the Baltic states, even if it looks like there away from the centers sometimes rather dreary. I can only recommend that you make yourselves an idea of \u200b\u200bthese countries, especially while they are still reasonably affordable.

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