a nice good day,
(I believe it is New Year's Day) Thanks to any Muslim holidays have I am free today and after we last Russian Christmas (no, not vodka!) celebrated today I could have a good kip really comfortable. Martyn is my roommate last night for two weeks after flying home to Wales for the wedding of his sister. So I enjoy-the Senegalese culture, completely against the peace and make me a nice day.
I'm the last days of a few people asked what they think the foreign assistance for Africa, if they see the positive or rather think that Africa must learn to help themselves to develop. And also talked about whether it makes sense that many young people come here to try somehow to Europe to the "great" to earn money and then home to his family send
etc. There were a couple of very interesting but also very different statements here. I need the time in nem own theme summarize, but so much was said, by "clear yes, money is always good" to "if using, then just help to help themselves, ie in the form of know-how, start-ups, etc" was all there. A statement made me very surprised, "Life here in Senegal is much easier than in Europe, because there is solidarity, if you have nothing, then there will always be someone to help you, you are never alone.". I have argued that with us so unemployment benefits, etc. CT is, but he said that it was of course great, but it is possible completely unpersönlich. Interessanter Punkt finde ich.
Und gestern auf dem Nachhauseweg im Bus war ein ziemlich angetrunkener Mann (eigentlich der erste, den ich wirklich gesehen hab), der so ziemlich alle im Bus wissen ließ, was er gerade denkt, macht, braucht usw. - und damit auch alle ziemlich genervt hat. In D hätte ich bestimmt was zu ihm gesagt, hab mich aber zurückgehalten. Jedenfalls ist dann was komisches passiert, an der nächsten Haltestelle haben fast alle Leute um ihn herum ihm ein bisschen Kleingeld zugesteckt und ein Mann hat ihn dann bestimmt, aber freundlich aus dem Bus befördert. Was ich überhaupt nicht verstanden hab ist: Warum geben sie dem Typen Geld? Ich würd ihn halt einfach rauswerfen... aber es stimmt schon, the people here are exceedingly helpful and generous.
So, I do in my book, if it's interested in helping out here are two dental interesting pictures. By the way, is "cut out" in French "couper" ...
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