Bonne annee and also in German, a blessed, joyful and happy new year to you all!
After it is unfortunately not the "quiet" period between Christmas and New Year and I work constantly, I have no new pictures, also I'm usually just in front of me stupid "to photograph" people, etc. Sun Maybe I disguise myself as an American tourist times with sunglasses, hat, open shirt and shorts, Run as rum and take pictures ...
reason, and because I so happily in February visit to get from D, you can now learn some Wolof. The (standard) greeting is:
Salaammalykuum - Malykuumsalaam
Na nga def - Ma ngi fi (Rekk)
(Are you there - I'm (only) here)
Mbaar yaangi ci jamm - Dieu Merci / Alhamdulalei
(Have you peace - thank God)
Ana wa ker ga - Nu nga fa
(How are those at home - they are there)
Naka ligeey bi - Maangi goorggoorlu / Tuuti Tuuti
how does the work - it's a lot / unit in pieces (= slow)
dann kann man noch weiter nach Name, Wohnort etc. fragen. Meistens reicht aber Salaam, Ca va, Na nga def aus
Waaw - Ja
Deedeet - Nein
Michael laa tudd - Ich heiße Michael
Noo tudd - Wie heißt du
Foo deekk - Wo wohnst du
Lan ngay def - Was arbeitest du
Bax na - Es ist ok/gut
Nex na - Es schmeckt gut
lol - sehr, eigentlich ein gesprochenes Ausrufezeichen
Jex na - Es ist fertig
Baal ma - Entschuldigung, Vergib mir
Naata - Wieviel
Sonst kann ich leider auf Wolof keinerlei Grammatik, auch wenn die wohl sehr interessant ist. So gibt es keine Zeiten für die Verben, sondern das "Fokuswort", z.B. noch, bald, damals etc, bestimmt, ob die Action is complete or not. For that I can some phrases that allow me dental work: rattle sit down, lie down, open, close, do not move, spit, tongue up, will it hurt when it hurts, etc.
Here's a small dental rarity: a complete set mesiodens (a single, not paired tooth in the middle between the upper central incisors), the chance is at 1:1000 and for us it's normally extracted when he was diagnosed by X-ray is.
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