So, let's go!
ADDED: I'm sorry that this first post is a little unusual short, but (as might be expected) I was standing today in the early afternoon, a little under time pressure.
Now I'm already in Munich and had another hour until my night train departs in the direction of Copenhagen. The journey takes about 15 (!) Hours, but fortunately I have a block reservation in the sleeper.
Starting tomorrow, I am then so in Copenhagen, where I'll think about it then a battle plan for the coming days and weeks. Until now, there are no fixed itinerary, but really it should not give, too. I will just let everything come to me and then spontaneously decide where I will lead this trip yet. How the lottery means: Everything is possible but nothing fix!
I thank all those who have already left comments in this blog, and look forward to future posts from the good old homeland.
In this sense, until next time!
Mfg., Martin
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