Copenhagen is truly a beautiful city. Meanwhile, I've pretty much scoured every Sehenswuerigkeit (on foot) as you can see from the pictures below.
The Mermaid is a bit outside the center, but the way there is worth in any case, because you can reach her by nyhaven walk up the harbor.
The Mermaid is a bit outside the center, but the way there is worth in any case, because you can reach her by nyhaven walk up the harbor.
On Saturday evening I was traveling with two Canadians, Nelson and Iris (his cousin, who currently lives here). The two dragged me forever but far from the northeastern part of Copenhagen, but it made a lot of fun with them. Zufaelligerweise And we are also passed on that Graveyard, where Hans Christian Andersen and Kierkegaard are buried.
Unfortunately the weather in recent days so completely played, as it has been raining almost always easy. But luckily I'm waterproof, and so could auch ein schlecht gelaunter Petrus mir meinen Spass nicht verderben.
In diesem Sinne, Petri heil!
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