I hope you all had a great weekend and what you get from Santa Claus out of hiding from the Krampus / Knecht Rupprecht or whatever you the "black man" calls with you. build
European Christmas mood here is not simply due to lack of snow, cold, Christmas trees, etc. Last week I even heard Jingle Bells, as cell phone ring tone of a patient, I'm not sure if she knows what she hears ...
Last week was very relaxed, probably mainly due to the fact that next week is Tabaski. Tabaski is the Islamic festival of the celebrated, not the God of Abraham at that time seinen Sohn hat opfern lassen, sondern den Ziegenbock. Für die Leute hier ist es (aus Ermangelung der Erlösung durch Jesus) nach wie vor so, dass sie an diesem Tag ihre Sünden (und die ihrer Familie) auf einen Ziegenbock werfen und den dann opfern/schlachten. Das bedeutet, dass, weil jede Familie einen Ziegenbock braucht, man überall diese Tiere kaufen kann.
Weil vieles hier Außendarstellung und Image ist und die gesellschaftlichen und religiösen Vorgaben hart sind, muss jede Familie (jede "Ehe", das heißt, dass wenn ein Mann mehrere Frauen hat er auch mehrere Opfertiere kaufen muss) einen Ziegenbock haben. Je größer, desto besser oder desto höher das Ansehen (und the amount of sins that can support the animal). Pricing starts, so I was told, at about 40.00 CFA, which is just 70, - equivalent to € if you want what you have with status but at least double the figures, an amount that a normal family here at least two months, feed them. Nevertheless, many fault here excessively, only to behave or look good in front of society. A Senegalese friend told me that they eat then stop in one day what the next few months, it just does not exist ...
For me, it means that next week will be almost no patients, because, first three are somehow different Tabaski (for each of the main Islamic "branches" this one, which officially is a holiday for just one day), are second, many people traveled with their families into the interior, and third, the people simply have no money to go to the doctor ...
Oh, a tip: Monday or Tuesday evening looking times on the homepage!
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