Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Lot Of Pressure In Stomach

cousin de Senegal

After it has lately been rather less so pictures I will today two make up for Web Albums. First, there's some low quality photos of my Christmas, on the other one probably more interesting pictures of typical Senegalese food.
At Christmas Martyn and I were visiting friends for a day trip out of the house circuit in Saly. As a result, I could do some things that you dream up to Christmas: run around in T-shirt in the pool and ocean swimming, Frisbee playing on the beach etc.


to eat: most images have a caption ne Declaration. Basically, Senegal, although naturally a poor country, but for a developing country more prosperous. There is much poverty, but especially in comparison with neighboring countries, Mali and Mauritania, the country is really rich. So whilst there are basically always eat the same, but there are usually at least something. Nevertheless, there are families who eat only once a day ...

Eating and Drinking

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Amber Lynn In Blonde Desire

Joyeux Noël

I had to work today, unfortunately, because of 24.12 in Senegal is not a holiday, only the 25th is free on 26 I am working again.
And unfortunately, today is our Turbine failed, so I had to drill to the elbow. That's a veeery slow corner. Imagine the so ago about how if you had to drive around as a bike messenger instead of precious road bike with a tricycle. It is indeed somehow, but is rather exhausting and slow.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and especially blessed. Challenge for those of you for Christmas is more of a Familien-/Konsumfest you can read here again and really celebrate the true values \u200b\u200bbecause of the festival:
Luke 2, 1-20:
it came to pass during the time that a decree of the Emperor Augustus went out that all the world should be taxed. And this taxing was first made at the time when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to be taxed, everyone to his city.

As Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife , who was pregnant. And when they were there, the time came that she should be. And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room in the hostel.

And there were shepherds living out in dem Felde bei den Hürden, die hüteten des Nachts ihre Herde. Und der Engel des Herrn trat zu ihnen, und die Klarheit des Herrn leuchtete um sie; und sie fürchteten sich sehr. Und der Engel sprach zu ihnen: Fürchtet euch nicht! Siehe ich verkündige euch große Freude, die allem Volk widerfahren wird; denn euch ist heute der Heiland geboren, welcher ist Christus der Herr, in der Stadt Davids. Und das habt zum Zeichen: ihr werdet finden das Kind in Windeln gewickelt und in einer Krippe liegen. Und alsbald war da bei dem Engel die Menge der himmlischen Heerscharen, die lobten Gott und sprachen:

Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe
und Friede auf Erden
bei den Menschen seines Wohlgefallens.

Und als die Engel von ihnen in den Himmel fuhren, sprachen die Hirten untereinander: Laßt uns nun gehen nach Bethlehem und die Geschichte sehen, die da geschehen ist, die uns der Herr kundgetan hat. Und sie kamen eilend und fanden beide, Maria und Josef, dazu das Kind in einer Krippe liegen. Als sie es aber gesehen hatten, breiteten sie das Wort aus, das zu ihnen von diesem Kinde gesagt war. Und alle, vor die es kam, wunderten sich über das, was die Hirten gesagt hatten. Maria aber behielt alle diese Worte und bewegte sie in ihrem Herzen. Und die Hirten kehrten wieder um, priesen und lobten Gott für alles, was sie gehört und gesehen hatten, wie denn zu ihnen gesagt war.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Recuperation From Surgery Sentiments

African Culture III - makes the word "No"

Hallo zusammen,
sorry, dass ich so nix have written long, but it was a lot of work a week. I also this week was a bit sick. I've actually had ne cold. I can not get otherwise never ne cold, but apparently my body has adapted more quickly than I thought. Last week I got two really pretty at night, frozen at 15-20 ° C. And in the morning I wear now always NEN sweater or jacket to work ne, it's just too cold right now. That the Africans are saying here!
But you have it, too nice and cold at home and be sure all the Christmas stress and thus have no time, so it's not so bad. Christmas is here, unfortunately, not really exciting, we are working on 24 and at 26.12, as only the 25th official Feiertag ist. Den Moslems ist das Fest nactürlich ziemlich wurscht, interessanter Weise habe ich letzten Freitag festgestellt, dass es für viele Katholiken hier eigentlich euch nur ein "Fest" ist, an dem man feiert. Eine jüngere Patientin wollte keinen Termin am 26., weil sie am Tag davor feiern und trinken (die Katholiken dürfen ja...) geht und dann am nächsten Tag nicht fit ist!

Aber eigentlich wollte ich euch etwas neues zum Thema kulturelle Unterschiede erzählen. Und zwar geht es um das Wörtchen "Nein". Eigentlich ist es prinzipiell unmöglich bzw. sehr unhöflich eine Bitte, egal welcher Art mit einem "Nein" zu beantworten. Stattdessen behilft man sich mit small excuses or lies simply: "Yes, I do", "we have in stock," "I consider it my" etc. or do you say "maybe tomorrow", which is ok, even if no one has the intention what to buy tomorrow. But it leaves room for possibilities and has not from the other. This is the principal cause of the whole. It has not made a request or question, but the Indiviuum, man. This means that you lie to the thousands of dealers who want something from a sale or what do can not really say no, instead they would have to be polite ... strange predicament: honest and rude or lie and be polite. For
a Tubab (White) is the at least here in Dakar still ok, because people are accustomed to that we are simply rude. In the cabinet can
is also sometimes a problem because people come with strange requests or inquiries and say my Assi not say "no" because he is from Senegal. Then he asks me again and run some more after the same pattern. He knows that the answer is no to the patient questionnaire, but he can not say. So he asks me and I say with a grave voice, "No", while it does not really matter what I say as long as the English phrase "No" and "possible" contains. Then he can explain that the doctor said "no" and push it on me, so to speak.
Last week, for example, were two girls there who wanted me to Shorten their front teeth because they were too long. I've explained why I do not know and refused (I would not do well in D), then I've continued to work and somehow they are not gone, so I asked what they do there? Well, they still want that I do it. Again explains, "Non possible". Nothing, just sitting still. So I told them that for me it looks as if her left leg was slightly longer and if I should cut something right, then I would also make the teeth (unfortunately they did not quite get the joke Sun checked). In any case, musste ich zum Schluss schon fast ein bisschen unfreundlich werden, damit sie einsehen, dass ich das auf KEINEN Fall machen werde.

So, schöne Woche noch bis Weihnachten, vllt fotografier ich noch einen der lustigen Händler, die mir immer einen der ultrahässlichen Aufblasnikoläuse verkaufen wollen.

Ciao, Michael

Friday, December 12, 2008

Can Prenatal Vitamin Cause Bloody Stool

How Ataya

Ataya ist der, na ja sagen wir mal typisch arabische, Schwarztee, den man aus kleinen Gläsern trinkt. Es gibt dutzende verschieden Varianten. Die step-by-step Anleitung für die senegalesische findet ihr mit den Bildern zusammen.
wie man Ataya macht

Monday, December 8, 2008

Strange Spots On Feet And Ankle

Case II

Okay, the second case report is completed. After some people had reported with the request for more dental posts.
One thing first: who can see no blood should not look at the pictures!
To the case: the patient is pregnant 7.Monat, 28 years old, good general health, oral status: well, for here all ok, she has a new tissue in the mandible of unknown origin, which is about 2x3cm in size un slightly right moved centrally located in the UK (regional buccal 32-43), appears to be fibrous, tough stalks and between the teeth 41 and 42. The patient indicates a loss of sensation of the lower lip and chin, the first time she had noticed the new growth before about 2-3 months.
After consultation with the premium German dentists (yes, you are very happy now four), I (we) hope to be decided for lack of other diagnostic and treatment options, the tissue excised (noise envy), extract plus the affected teeth and more or less that it is benign and no recurrence occurs (ie, not grow back). (Is not Patho available here) as suspected diagnosis was giant cell's, Schwangerschaftsepulis and squamous cell carcinoma.
Here are the pictures to:
Case report II

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Can You Delete Save Files Gpsphone

report WE update

I hope you all had a great weekend and what you get from Santa Claus out of hiding from the Krampus / Knecht Rupprecht or whatever you the "black man" calls with you. build
European Christmas mood here is not simply due to lack of snow, cold, Christmas trees, etc. Last week I even heard Jingle Bells, as cell phone ring tone of a patient, I'm not sure if she knows what she hears ...
Last week was very relaxed, probably mainly due to the fact that next week is Tabaski. Tabaski is the Islamic festival of the celebrated, not the God of Abraham at that time seinen Sohn hat opfern lassen, sondern den Ziegenbock. Für die Leute hier ist es (aus Ermangelung der Erlösung durch Jesus) nach wie vor so, dass sie an diesem Tag ihre Sünden (und die ihrer Familie) auf einen Ziegenbock werfen und den dann opfern/schlachten. Das bedeutet, dass, weil jede Familie einen Ziegenbock braucht, man überall diese Tiere kaufen kann.

Weil vieles hier Außendarstellung und Image ist und die gesellschaftlichen und religiösen Vorgaben hart sind, muss jede Familie (jede "Ehe", das heißt, dass wenn ein Mann mehrere Frauen hat er auch mehrere Opfertiere kaufen muss) einen Ziegenbock haben. Je größer, desto besser oder desto höher das Ansehen (und the amount of sins that can support the animal). Pricing starts, so I was told, at about 40.00 CFA, which is just 70, - equivalent to € if you want what you have with status but at least double the figures, an amount that a normal family here at least two months, feed them. Nevertheless, many fault here excessively, only to behave or look good in front of society. A Senegalese friend told me that they eat then stop in one day what the next few months, it just does not exist ...

For me, it means that next week will be almost no patients, because, first three are somehow different Tabaski (for each of the main Islamic "branches" this one, which officially is a holiday for just one day), are second, many people traveled with their families into the interior, and third, the people simply have no money to go to the doctor ...

Oh, a tip: Monday or Tuesday evening looking times on the homepage!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wedding Program Poems/thank You

GOR images

are not all the pictures, it will eventually give a CD for all participants. But I have a couple of times by people the images collected and put online, to make the whole thing timely.
There are many great pictures even from the landscape here and elsewhere I think you get a good sense of how the GR is expired.

If the photos I have of my team, I will own picture gallery on the theme: make "Les Phackos.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Howto Knock Down Block Wall


nice and relaxed Greetings from Dakar. First
's filed later as promised the photos from last weekend with a trip to Isle de Goree.
Goree tourism

And then I was this weekend from Friday to Sunday weekend on the GOR in the vicinity of St. Louis in northern Senegal (also because I need the Subsequent addition pictures, sorry).
We are up with NEM private pick-up in 4 hours and it is interesting how dry it is there, suddenly one of the area occurs here as a green oasis. But another 100km further and you're in the desert of Mauritania.
The encampment where we were wonderfully situated on a 200m thin "spit" that extends from about 30km to the south of St. Louis and the Senegal River to the sea Endausläufer separated. so you have a kind of lagoon on one side and on the other the Atlantic - and in between the beach! One has made a video in which he mounted his camera to a kite has, he has verrsprochen make it on youtube as soon as I post the address I got it from here. And
Hey man, the time there was really relaxing: the entire WE we were in teams (with the most unbelievable name) each and had little competitions and sporting events among themselves. We were the Les Phachoches (which means something like wild boar or warthog), plus we had a "German precision engineering built mascot with orange spots! As activities gave it to Frisbee golf, soccer, football, canoeing and fall (not the team), log throwing (is I think a Scottish sport), bodyboarding (cool waves!), Etc.
addition to all the fun and great, fresh food was it especially cool to meet other employees of Christ here in Senegal. To see what and how they work, how ihnen so geht und gemeinsamen Austausch zu haben. Am Sonntag morgen war dann noch ein gemeinsamer Gottesdienst im Freien und dannach ging´s mit dem Priogue (ein kleines, buntes Fischerboot) zurück über die Lagune und zurück nach Dakar.

Wie versprochen kommen die Bilder nach, die Batterien meiner Kamera haben leider den Geist aufgegeben, aber ich bekomm noch von anderen Leuten (mit besserem Equipment) nachgereicht.

So dann, macht´s gut und schöne erste Adventswoche (ist ein bisschen hart hier in Weihnachtsstimmung zu kommen)
