Der zweite Teil der Reihe Unterschiede zwischen westlicher und afrikanischer Kultur läßt sich gut an Hand meines WE auf Goree (die Bilder kommen noch, versprochen) erklären.

Es geht um Geld und Freundschaften. Für uns als Europäer ist es selbstverständlich und ganz normal, dass (ab einem gewissen Umfang) Geld in einer Freundschaft nichts verloren hat. Wenn sich also ein "Freund" ständig Geld von uns leiht und dann auch noch unzuverlässig im Zurückzahlen ist geht die Freundschaft wahrscheinlich schnell down the drain. Here, however, it is completely normal that friends (and relatives and neighbors) to borrow money constantly, and that will pay back the taken not as accurate or as one friend said: "To give is always sure, to give back not! " Money is a natural part of African friends, money is within the friendship. For Europeans, this results in but a huge problem: if you want to participate in the culture here means that you have your friends and relatives almost constantly borrow money, since your hardship or your needs are never larger than her you never occasion the game also to play the other way around. This naturally leads quickly to that one feels somehow being exploited.
on WE, I was with my assistant and friend Ner on Isle de Goree, escaped a bit of the city and tourists making tool. For the two Africans as it is natural that I pay as white her things. From the bus on the ferry to drink, etc. First, they themselves would never think something will make (because they do not have the money to acuh), secondly, they walk just for and with me virtually there, since I more than they Do I pay. It also promotes the African point of view, the growth of friendship. For us, it feels natural to quickly as if you look at the friendship would buy.
But this is one of the major challenges here: first, to be open to these new cultural aspects and the other one but themselves to stay.
A bit to my regret, I have read in 1 Corinthians 9.20 to 23 this week that Paul also has adapted to the people and the culture of his surroundings, to proclaim the good news. That means I will present my culture shock and adjust to overcome a lot to learn and apply understanding and patience must.
Greetings back to Germany!
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