diese Woche ist es passiert: ich habe das erste Mal seit ich hier bin gefroren!
's night is now a bit cooler, so you can attract schonmal NEN sweater. But the day's still has extremely pleasant 28 ° C.
was working Technically, the week is not as spectacular, makes out the children's dentistry is no fun to be with nervous seven-year-olds in the lower jaws sixes (the first permanent molar teeth, you get to about six years) does endo (root canal treatment) plus abscess incision (uh, in there, cut out makes it hurt) conduct needs. Since then, I'm trying to get Dormicum, but also the national pharmacy has / does not know and on the way we have at the clinic, Valium, what is more likely to have pushed the ... na yes, it must go stop with mouth-to-hold.
Next week I'll try one patient in the 20 years or so broken off as a child, all four upper incisors with glass fiber endodontic posts (I've brought from Germany) to build up the front again. Of which I'll be back for photos!
But more exciting is that I am WE to St. Louis (in the north, near the border with Mauritania) for GOR go. GOR represents G Uys O n R etreat (something like "guys to rest"). So ne way men-WE for missionaries and Christian workers in Dakar and Senegal all of sports, golf (not as a sport!), Fun, relaxation, body boarding und Motorradfahren!
Euch allen auch ein schönes WE daheim!
Derre, Mike