Schloss Schönbrunn |
We met on the 16th August 2010, shortly before 5:00 clock, at the Hanover airport. After checking in we had some free time. At 06:25 we took off and made our way to Vienna, the flight time was about 1 hour. Arriving in Vienna, were all very tired at first, but was not yet a feeling of rest, because we needed more than an hour by train and underground train to the A & O Hostel ... The room we could relate only from 15:00 clock so we had to forcibly stay in the lobby. After we moved into our rooms and we are neither had recovered somewhat from the "stressful" trip, we went to Schloss Schönbrunn. We made an audio tour of the castle and then rose up the mountain to Gloriette. In the evening we ate at the Vienna City still hearty Viennese.