Friday, October 12, 2007

How To Fix Dry Blunt Wraps


22:10:07 In the week I'm out for a further Nation, and turn out the Village tours and hikes in this period. The following dates are concerned and are therefore not take place:

23.10.07 - walk
25.10.07 - Historical walk
02:11:07 - Hike

I will probably announce new dates for November yet. Otherwise you can book at any time individually with me.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Can Cannabis Periodic Limb Movement

Ottenstein on the radio

Today at 9:00 clock transmitter sends the Hameln "radioactive" in the series of "raids" a report on Ottenstein. The reporter, Mrs. Moses Heuer was already there in August and has come up to me to show our gold village. On the occasion were Mrs Alex of Burg-Restaurant Mr. and pulse, the former Gemeindebote interviewed.

you missed the show this morning, you can on Thursday, listen to 11.10.07, at 17.00 clock repetition.